Illuminating HistoryOutdoor Illumination has developed a reputation as a trusted resource for designing and installing exterior lighting at historic properties (see the Historic gallery). We are proud that our work can be seen at many historic sites around the Washington DC region, including:
Lighting at historic properties requires an extra level of design sensitivity. The aesthetics need to represent, not overwhelm, the dignity of the place, with fixtures shining the right amount of light when it’s dark out, but remaining largely invisible during the day. We are often working in areas with historic trees, which calls for great care when installing wiring for the new lighting systems. Many historic properties are heavily visited, so systems need to be durable. And, there are often a number of hurdles involving historic designations, plus benefactor considerations. Our long experience and top reputation have helped us navigate these hurdles with ease and success. For a more in-depth look at a historic lighting project, read about our work at Dumbarton Oaks. |