Woodvalley Residence Receives 2012 Honor Award from ASLA Maryland + PotomacClick here for the Award Submission Poster (PDF, 3MB) The Woodvalley residence is a new residence and garden located in a 1960s suburb of Baltimore County, MD. The landscape architect collaborated with the architect to locate the building site for a 6,200SF house to create upper level garden spaces on the north side, and to make the best use of the sloping rear yard with a series of terraces on the south. The contemporary design language of architecture and landscape are tightly integrated through a clear minimalist approach and shared use of stone and wood materials in the interior and exterior spaces. The landscape design takes many clues from the architecture. Three simple pools in the upper terrace are slightly depressed pavement sections covered with a few inches of water containing small water jets for ambient sound. A varied palette of plant material is arranged in simple formal and informal patterns as an overlay to the structure of the site’s organization. The plant palette consists predominantly of natives and provides habitat for butterflies, birds and pollinators. The natural grade of the site is used to direct the rainwater through a series of planting beds down to the lowest level where it is intercepted by a wide native planting border.