Chevy Chase Residence

Dramatic stairs evocative of Swarthmore ... mature White Oak trees and Boxwoods ... luxuriant perennial beds … classic walled gardens ... streetscape lined with spectacular Cherry trees. This historic garden was updated by Landscape Architect Lila Fendrick. Outdoor Illumination was fortunate to design and install lighting on this unique property.
The stairs set in the lawn are the primary point of access to guests when the client entertains large groups. A previous lighting contractor had placed cheap bullets at the side of each set of stairs, which detracted from the beauty of the stairs and created hot spots and glare. We designed lighting to be mounted high in a large White Oak to the right of the stairs. This moonlight effect covered the top 60% of the stairs and lawn. Given the grade, additional downlighting from this tree for the lower 40% would have caused severe glare as guests walked up the stairs. The solution was to mount small fixtures carefully in two ornamental trees on the lower area. There were no "pools of light," just a soft wash on the stairs, lawn and beds.
Walking out from the library is a small patio garden under the canopy of a large Oak tree. An historic fountain emits a stream of water from the mouth of a lion, spilling into a small basin. A single submerged fixture throws light through the ripples of the moving water, creating sparkling effects as it splashes light on the antique brick wall. The wrought iron furniture is white and reflects the moonlighting from the Oak tree above brilliantly.
The garden is one inviting space after another. A pool nestled in the corner of a walled perennial garden; wall panels with sculpted climbing Hydrangea framing the upper parking area; trellis panels with flowering climbing vines; antique stone walls; and so much more. Enhanced with subtle lighting throughout. Working in this sort of oasis makes our job that much easier!